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St Johns WI is part of the National Federation of Women's Institutes (NFWI) and also the Surrey Federation of Women's Institutes (SFWI).  We have around 50 members, mostly from St. Johns, Hermitage Estate, Knaphill and Goldsworth Park.

Meetings are held at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month in St Johns Memorial Hall, The Lye, St Johns, GU21 7SQ.  We also have other activities during the month and go on outings during the year.

Meetings:  The main part of the monthly meeting is a talk or demonstration followed by the business of the WI.  Members take part in planning the programme for each and help to prepare, make and serve tea and coffee on a rota basis. 

The Bourne 69 Group:  St Johns WI belongs to the group which is made up of six local WIs. They are Brookwood, Horsell Afternoon, Horsell Village, Mayford and West End.Group Meetings are held twice a year and there is a group committee which consists of the President of each WI. 

SFWI (Surrey Federation of Women's Institutes) act as an umbrella body for all WIs in the County Federation and has a Federation Secretary who work at the SFWI's HQ, Guildford, 6 Paris, Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, GU2 9XJ (tel: 01483 233230).

NFWI (National Federation of Women's Institutes) is an even bigger umbrella for all the WIs in England and Wales.  It has an office and staff in Fulham, London (tel: 020 7371 9300).  An Annual Meeting is held in different venues each year and a link delegate representing about four WIs attends.  WIs take it in turn to send the link delegate.  Members can apply to attend the Annual Meeting as observers.

Resolutions on social and topical matters are submitted by individual WIs for full discussion, usually at the May WI meeting.  This is followed by a representative attending the Annual Meeting where the delegate votes on the resolutions according to the wishes of the WIs she is representing.  If carried, they empower the WI to influence local and national policy making.

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WI Publications:

SFWI publish a monthly newsletter which St Johns WI buys for its members.

NFWI publish WI Life magazine for members 8 times per year.

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